Mickey Mouse School
Accompagniamo tuo figlio nella sua crescita
La nostra scuola dell'infanzia parificata accoglie bambini da 0 a 5 anni.
Un'opportunità di crescita per tuo figlio in un contesto “protetto”
La scuola dell'infanzia paritaria Mickey Mouse è una seconda casa per i bambini che la frequentano.
Frequentare il nido e la scuola materna offre al bambino l’opportunità di sperimentarsi in un contesto esterno ma “protetto”; ciò non significa sminuire le relazioni fondamentali con genitori e familiari, bensì arricchirle con nuove risorse.
Fondamentale è la “ricchezza” del tempo trascorso e su questo principio abbiamo strutturato tutta la nostra offerta didattica e di servizi.
Frequentare il nido e la scuola materna offre al bambino l’opportunità di sperimentarsi in un contesto esterno ma “protetto”; ciò non significa sminuire le relazioni fondamentali con genitori e familiari, bensì arricchirle con nuove risorse.
Fondamentale è la “ricchezza” del tempo trascorso e su questo principio abbiamo strutturato tutta la nostra offerta didattica e di servizi.

Il gioco per apprendere
Utilizziamo il gioco come strumento attraverso il quale il bambino esprime la propria identità e sviluppa le proprie conoscenze, anche le più complesse.

Alimentazione sana ed equilibrata
Il momento del pranzo costituisce uno degli aspetti più significativi della vita al nido e alla materna. Non solo per la salute e il benessere del bambino

Insegnanti qualificati
La comprovata esperienza e competenza del nostro corpo docenti si traduce nello sviluppo del bambino in tutti gli aspetti.

Ambiente confortevole
L'arredamento, le decorazioni, gli spazi sono stati progettati "a misura di bambino" per creare uno spazio colorato e stimolante.
Vuoi iscrivere tuo figlio alla Scuola Mickey Mouse?
Contattaci per visitare la nostra scuola e fissare un incontro.

Accompagniamo le nuove generazioni alla scoperta di sé.
Siamo aperti dal 1996, la scuola Mickey Mouse provvede ad un'educazione didattica di qualità, finalizzata allo sviluppo delle abilità cognitive, di quelle di personalità e di socializzazione.
Our Vision
We acknowledge that all members of our community including children, families and teachers have rights and all interactions.
Our Mission
Kindori Kindergarten is a vibrant learning community where families, staff and The University of Queensland work together.

Things For Kids
Kids Activites
Infant classroom offers strategies for building positive relationships, helping children develop self-regulation and responding to challenging behaviors.

Creative Activites
Creative activities help children develop comprehensively intelligence, help children.

Sport Activites
Creative activities help children develop comprehensively intelligence, help children.

Table/Floor Toys
Creative activities help children develop comprehensively intelligence, help children.

Water Games
Creative activities help children develop comprehensively intelligence, help children.

our program

Smarty Programs
Dear parents, we would like to thank you for choosing the Kindori Preschool System in the process of considering and planning your children's..
Although the first school is a lot of surprises, it is the first step for a comprehensive development in all aspects. By creating a safe, consistent and welcoming environment, we help Our school follows the guidelines of the local school district.
Although the first school is a lot of surprises, it is the first step for a comprehensive development in all aspects. By creating a safe, consistent and welcoming environment, we help Our school follows the guidelines of the local school district.
Although the first school is a lot of surprises, it is the first step for a comprehensive development in all aspects. By creating a safe, consistent and welcoming environment, we help Our school follows the guidelines of the local school district.
Although the first school is a lot of surprises, it is the first step for a comprehensive development in all aspects. By creating a safe, consistent and welcoming environment, we help Our school follows the guidelines of the local school district.
Playing in learning
Our Classes
With kindori, we always put the quality of teaching children first, please rest assured when sending children at kindori kindergarten.

Learning Disciplines
The magic number is the classroom for children to recognize the first numbers, developmentally appropriate.
1 - 3 Years
3 Classes
Magic Number
The magic number is the classroom for children to recognize the first numbers, developmentally appropriate.
1 - 2 Years
10 Classes
Kid And Future
The magic number is the classroom for children to recognize the first numbers, developmentally appropriate.
1 - 2 Years
9 Classes
Music For The Imagination
The magic number is the classroom for children to recognize the first numbers, developmentally appropriate.
1 - 3 Years
3 Classes
Talented Explorers
The magic number is the classroom for children to recognize the first numbers, developmentally appropriate.
2 - 3 Years
9 Classes
Super Color Kid
The magic number is the classroom for children to recognize the first numbers, developmentally appropriate.
3 - 4 Years
5 Classes
What do parents say about us
Let's explore what Parents have to say about us. Let us know what you think of today’s newsletter and what you’d like to.

Tine Jensen
I had both my kids here, and loved it. Made it easy for us to meet a lot of amazing parents and kids. The school has such a home feel, and values a play based routine. It would be worth your time to visit this places.

Rebecca Higgins
Kindori is a wonderful nursery, my Son is so happy there and asks every day if he “is going to nursery today”, even on on weekends! The staff are so welcoming, very professional and highly experienced.

Rebecca Higgins
Kindori is a wonderful nursery, my Son is so happy there and asks every day if he “is going to nursery today”, even on on weekends! The staff are so welcoming, very professional and highly experienced.

Completed movings

Class Rooms

schools bus

total teachers
What's Going on in our Blog?
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Interested in good preschool education for your child? Our kindergarten is the right decision!